Oklahoma Health Service Psychologist License #1084
Work 405 964-1672 Cell 918 629-2317
Doctoral of Philosophy Degree in Counseling Psychology
Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK
09/1996 – 12/2003
Specialization: Modulating factors in Responses to Traumatic Events and Trauma Intervention.
Dissertation - Incarcerated Women: Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Family Functioning On Dissociation and Psychological Distress.
Master's of Science Degree in Counseling Psychology
Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK 09/1994 – 12/1996
Master’s Research—Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Family Dynamics on Symptom Presentation
Bachelor of Arts Degree—Creative Writing
Eckerd College St. Petersburg, FL
09/1976 – 01/1979 Bachelor's Thesis- Standing on the Bridge in Morning’s Bruised Light received Honors
Licensed Health Service Psychologist Oklahoma #1084
Yearly CISM Training Yearly training in current research/interventions related to the trauma response and interventions
International Society for Study of DissociationAmerican Psychological Association
Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists
Staff Psychologist
Mabel Bassett Correctional Center | McLoud, OK 02/2004 - Present
Staff psychologist for female maximum/medium security prison for general offender population and facility is primary site for offenders with severe mental health and medical problems. Duties include triage, crisis intervention management, individual and group therapy, new arrival assessment, trauma specialist services, medication management, secure housing unit (SHU) rounds, training of facility staff, hostage and disaster intervention, staff treatment consultation and student supervision. Population consists of individuals dealing with lifelong mental illness symptoms, large population presenting with personality disorder presentations. On call rotation occurs on average—once every 5 weeks and involves this facility as well as 8 other community level male and female correction facilities.
Program Evaluator-Contract Work
IEM-Global Risk Management 5/13/10-6/2/10
Evaluation of CISD training program content for IEM a Global Risk Management firm servicing governmental training programs such as the Homeland Security Preparedness Technical Assistance Program (HSPTAP). This was a content evaluation for CISD training for DHS and FEMA work.
Resonance and YWCA Women's Resource Center | Tulsa, OK 08/1994 – 02/2004
Provided contract work with agency from 1st Semester of Master's education, past Doctoral training (except during 1996-1997 and during internship 2001 -2002). Conducted long/short-term individual and group therapy, Trauma specialist services, assessment, crisis intervention, primary therapist for FOCUS--Dual Diagnosis Program: intensive 2- month treatment program for clients placed in program through Community Sentencing or released from prisons. Provided 16-week Post-treatment, once-a-week counseling/group therapy. Special training and work with adult survivors of trauma who presented with symptoms of eating disorders, self-harm histories, and personality disorders.
Doctoral Psychology Intern
Eastern State Hospital | Vinita, OK 9/2001- 9/2002
Position (internship) was part of year-long, two-day a week training rotation in combination with the three-day rotation at Eddie Warrior Correctional Center (Doctoral completion requirement). Conducted psychological evaluations, individual competency assessment, risk assessments, behavioral modification plans and competency group process for Forensic population.
Eddie Warrior Correctional Center | Taft, OK 09/2001 ---09/2002
Position (internship) was a year-long, three day a week rotation (in combination with two-day rotation at Eastern State (Doctoral completion requirement). Conducted psychological assessments, crisis intervention, trauma intervention, long and short-term individual counseling, group therapy, medication management, and staff training as part of residency rotation
Disaster Intervention Specialist
a) 5/2003 Stroud, OK
Tornado Disaster Headquarters 1st responder to Stroud OK Tornado Disaster Headquarters- Community Intervention
b) 5/1999 – 8/1999 New Castle, OK
F-5 Tornado Disaster Headquarters | First responder-Mental Health Services.
Provided 4 months post-tornado crisis intervention at Disaster headquarters/home-sites. Included--Crisis intervention with First Responders, city managers
c) 5/1995 Oklahoma City Bombing Disaster Headquarters
Provided Crisis Intervention for Call line. Supervised other operators. Primary responsibility covering calls from 1st responders who had returned to home city.
Psychological Clinician
Psychological Service Center | Stillwater, OK 09/1996 ---06/1997
1st Year required Doctoral Practicum. Conducted long/short term individual and group therapy, assessments.
Case Supervisor/Therapist
Guadian ad Litem (CASA)| St. Petersburg, FL 09/1986 ---08/1988
Conducted crisis intervention and counseling for abused children taken from their homes. Supervised and counseled more than 100+ case investigators. Participated in court proceedings.
Special Training:
1) HRSC-Interventions with High Risk and High Need Populations –
Washington DC April 11-13, 2012
2) CISD Retraining – Oklahoma Department of Corrections February 2012
3) Trauma Across the Life Span Zarrow Foundation Tulsa, OK September 2011
4) NamUs Intervention Team Training- Victim Liaison Role Training as part of Southwest & OK
Intervention team for Missing/Abduction Survivors and Unidentified Remains—Albuquerque, NM November 7-9 2010
5) TAMAR Training -July 18.19 2009
6) Trauma Resiliency - March 2009
7) START Training Fall 2006
8) Department of Corrections Ongoing CISD training 2004-Present
9) CISD Certification April 2003
10) Context of Dissociation: Family, Society, and Culture- 12/11/01
11) Trauma in the 21st Century -11/97
12) Trauma of Rape 04/95
13) Intervention for Community Disasters 04/95
14) PTSD and Natural Disasters 05/91
15) Forensic Investigation of Child Abuse 10/87
2) What A Victim Brings to the Event-Survivors of Homicide –
Media Presentations on CARAVAN TO CATCH A KILLER tours 5/2012
3)What a victim Brings to an Event –
Northeastern Oklahoma Psychology Internship Consortium 12/2010
4)What a victim Brings to an Event –Cadet Training Tulsa Police Training Academy 5/2010
5)What a victim Brings to an Event - Annual Victims of Violence Conference
(OK- Presentation not conducted due to illness) 2/2010
6)Female Offenders and Family Dynamics- State NAMI Convention 9/2007
7)Incarcerated Women: Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse Family Functioning
On Dissociation and Psychological Distress.
Paper related to results and analysis presented at International Society for the Study of Dissociation (ISSD) 11/2003 Conference -Chicago.
8) Treatment of Trauma through use of Metaphor--
Paper presented at International Society for the Study of Dissociation (ISSD)
11/2003 Conference -Chicago.
9) Incarcerated Women: Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Family Functioning on Dissociation and Psychological Distress/Proposal. ISSD Annual Conference 12/03/01
10) Secondary Traumatization and Dissociative Reactions during Community Disasters: Victims, Rescue Workers and the Community ISSD Annual Conference 12/04/01
11) Childhood Sexual Abuse and Dissociation: Impact of Family Functioning on Dissociation. a)Poster Presentation ISSD Annual Conference 11/27/97 b)Group Paper Presentation "Many Faces of Trauma" 5th European Congress of Psychology 6/12/98
12) Predictors of Health Behaviors from a Behavior-Analytic Orientation. Journal of Social Psychology 05/20/96 a) Poster - Northeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting 06/10/95 Primary Author -Dr. J. Birkimer Team--Perri Druen, Jerry Holland, Margaret Zingman
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